Redmine is a project management web app that allows users to manage projects flexibly while offering robust monitoring tools and a broad library of plug-ins. This free and open source solution offers a substitute for paid job management tools and contains support for wikis, forums, calendars, and information visualization programs.
Table of Contents
Step 1. First let’s start by ensuring your system is up-to-date.
Step 2. Installing all dependencies.
Step 3. Installing Ruby and RVM.
Step 4. Installing MySQL server.
Step 5. Installing Passenger and Nginx.
Step 6. Installing Redmine.
Step 7. Accessing Redmine.
This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo’ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step by step installation the Redmine project management web app on a CentOS 7 server.
Install Redmine on CentOS 7
Step 1. First let’s start by ensuring your system is up-to-date.
yum clean all
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y update
Step 2. Installing all dependencies.
Install all dependencies that are required by Redmine:
yum install zlib-devel curl-devel openssl-devel httpd-devel apr-devel apr-util-devel mysql-devel ftp wget ImageMagick-devel gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel zlib libyaml-devel libffi-devel make bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison iconv-devel subversion
Step 3. Installing Ruby and RVM.
Redmin requires Ruby. So, first you’ll want to install Ruby Version Manager which allows managing of multiple ruby environments:
gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby=2.2.5
Now we have to add it the .bashrc file so it can be automatically reload and to add it to the .bashrc file run this:
echo '[[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"' >> ~/.bashrc
Reload the .bashrc file using this command:
source ~/.bashrc
Now run following command as shown below to check Ruby and RVM version:
ruby -v
rvm -v
Step 4. Installing MySQL server.
MySQL needs to be configured so that Redmine can store data, so we will install MySQL server:
rpm -Uvh
yum repolist
yum install mysql-server
Now start the mysqld service using systemctl command as shown below:
systemctl start mysqld
By default, MySQL is not hardened. You can secure MySQL using the mysql_secure_installation script. You should read and below each steps carefully which will set root password, remove anonymous users, disallow remote root login, and remove the test database and access to secure MySQL.
Configure it like this:
- Set root password? [Y/n] y
- Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
- Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
- Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
- Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y
Next we will need to log in to the MySQL console and create a database for the Redmine. Run the following command:
mysql -u root -p
This will prompt you for a password, so enter your MySQL root password and hit Enter. Once you are logged in to your database server you need to create a database for Redmine installation:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redmine.* TO 'redmine'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';
Step 5. Installing Passenger and Nginx.
Passenger is an application server that runs your web application then communicates with the web server. We will install it and integrate it with Nginx:
gem install passenger --no-ri --no-rdoc
You will be asked for some information, and then it will install Nginx. The default installation directory is /opt/nginx. Of course, you can change it. In it, edit conf/nginx.conf.
On line 23, paste the following content:
include vhost/*.conf;
Save and close the file. Next, create a vhost directory for Virtual Host configuration files:
mkdir -p /opt/nginx/conf/vhost
In this directory, create a redmine.conf file. The paste the following into that file:
server {
listen 80;
root /var/www/html/redmine/public;
passenger_enabled on;
client_max_body_size 10m; # Max attachemnt size
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root html;
Restart the web server for the changes to take effect:
systemctl restart nginx
systemctl enable nginx
Step 6. Installing Redmine.
First, download the latest version of Redmine, at the moment of writing this article it is version 3.4:
cd /var/www/
svn co redmine
Next, change the current working directory and the example configuration files:
cd redmine
cp config/configuration.yml.example config/configuration.yml
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
Make the following changes to the database.yml file:
nano config/database.yml
Add following content:
adapter: mysql2
database: redmine
host: localhost
username: redmine
password: PASSWORD
encoding: utf8
Run following commands to change the owner to user and group nobody:
mkdir -p tmp tmp/pdf public/plugin_assetssud
chown -R nobody:nobody files log tmp public/plugin_assetssudo
chmod -R 775 files log tmp public/plugin_assets
Install the bundler and gem dependencies for redmine:
gem install bundlerbundle install --without development test
Generate the secret token using the following command:
bundle exec rake generate_secret_token
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data
Finally, Restart the web server for the changes to take effect:
systemctl restart nginx
Step 7. Accessing Redmine.
Redmine will be available on HTTP port 80 by default. Open your favorite browser and navigate to and complete the required the steps to finish the installation using the default credentials (admin/admin). If you are using a firewall, please open port 80 to enable access to the control panel.
Congratulation’s! You have successfully installed Redmine. Thanks for using this tutorial for installing Redmine project management web app on CentOS 7 systems. For additional help or useful information, we recommend you to check the official Redmine web site.