Easy Guide to Display Recent Posts in WordPress

In this tutorial, we will show you how to display recent posts in WordPress with a plugin, widget, shortcode, and the manual method with the recent post function.

Using The WordPress Recent Posts Widget

WordPress comes with a built-in default widget to display recent posts in your site’s sidebar or any widget ready area. Inside your WordPress admin, simply visit Appearance » Widgets and add Recent Posts widget to a sidebar.

Using the default WordPress recent posts widget

The built-in recent posts widget is very basic. You can provide an alternate title to the widget, show date, and add the number of posts you want to display. Next, click on the save button to store your widget settings.

Using Recent Posts Widget Extended Plugin

As you noticed that the built-in widget we mentioned above is quite limited, and it doesn’t even allow you to show thumbnails or excerpts which is often a priority for users.

What if you wanted to display thumbnails and excerpts with your recent posts? What if you wanted to limit them to specific categories or tags?

Well, that’s when Recent Posts Widget Extended plugin comes in handy.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the WordPress Recent Posts Widget Extended plugin. Upon activation, simply visit Appearance » Widgetsand add Recent Posts Extended widget to a sidebar.

Recent posts extended widget settings

Recent Posts Extended widget comes with a lot options and gives you full control on how you want to display recent posts on your WordPress site. You can show thumbnails, excerpts, limit categories and tags, ignore sticky posts, and much more. You can even use the widget to display recent posts from any other post type on your site.

Recent posts with thumbnail and excerpt in sidebar widget

Displaying Recent Posts in WordPress Using Shortcode

Adding recent posts to a sidebar is fairly easy, but what if you wanted to show recent posts inside a WordPress post or page? The easiest way to display recent posts in WordPress posts and pages is by using shortcodes.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Display Posts Shortcodeplugin. It works out of the box and there are no settings for you to configure.

Simply edit a post or page where you want to display your recent posts. Next, use the shortcode [display-posts] with your own parameters inside the post. The plugin offers a whole range of parameters that you can use with the shortcode. Here are some examples:

Display 5 recent posts with thumbnails and excerpt

 [display-posts posts_per_page="5" image_size="thumbnail" include_excerpt="true"]

Display recent pages instead of posts

  [display-posts posts_per_page="5" post_type="page"]

Change the order to title instead of date.

  [display-posts posts_per_page="5" orderby="title"]

Display recent pages under a specific parent page.

  [display-posts posts_per_page="5" post_type="page" post_parent="5"]

For a full list of parameters visit the plugin’s documentation.

You can also use these shortcodes inside a text widget, but first you will need to enable shortcodes in your text widgets by adding this code to your theme’s functions.php file or a site specific plugin.
add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);

Displaying Recent Posts Manually in WordPress Theme Files

More advanced WordPress users may want to add recent posts directly in their WordPress theme files. There are multiple ways to do this, but the easiest one is to use the built-in WP_Query class. Simply add this code where you want to display the recent posts.

Define our WP Query Parameters // Start our WP Query have_posts()) : $the_query -> the_post(); ?> // Display the Post Title with Hyperlink

// Repeat the process and reset once it hits the limit

This code simply displays five most recent posts with their title and excerpt. The WP_Query class has tons of parameters that allows you to customize it any way that you like. For more information please refer to the codex.

We hope that this tutorial helped you learn how to display recent posts in WordPress.

Easy Guide to Display Code on Your WordPress Site

In this tutorial, we will learn how to easily display code on your WordPress site.

First you need to install and activate the Syntax Highlighter Evolved plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Syntax Highlighter to configure the plugin settings.

Syntax Highlighter settings page

The default plugin settings should work for most websites. However, you should review all settings and make changes if necessary.

Each option has detailed description to explain what it does. Once you are done, simply click on the save changes button to store your settings.

Syntax Highlighter Evolved uses simple shortcodes to display code. For each programming language you need wrap your code in the shortcode for that language.

For PHP you would wrap your code like this:

echo “Hello World”;

It will appear in your post like this:

For CSS you will wrap your code like this:

.entry-title {
font-family:”Open Sans”, arial, sans-serif;

It will appear on your site like this:

.entry-title { 
font-family:"Open Sans", arial, sans-serif;

Syntax Highlighter will automatically highlight the code for that particular language. It will also add line numbers and handle tab indent properly. Your users will be able to easily copy and paste code snippets from your WordPress site.

How to Display Code in WordPress Without Using Plugin

Many bloggers do not run a development blog, so they don’t need to add sample code snippets in their posts very often. For rare occasions, you can add code by encoding the code into HTML entities. Like this:

&gt;?php echo "Hello World"; ?&lt;

The problem with converting code into HTML entities is that it is difficult to do manually. You can use online tools like this one, to convert code into HTML entities.

By converting PHP, HTML, JavaScript code into HTML entities, you can paste them into your WordPress posts. For additional styling you can wrap code between <code> and </code> tags.

We hope this tutorial helped you find the best syntax highlighter plugin for WordPress.

Easy Guide to Add a Shortcodes User Interface in WordPress

In this tutorial, we will show you how to add a user interface for shortcodes in WordPress with Shortcake.

What is Shortcake?

WordPress offers an easier way to add executeable code inside posts and pages by using shortcodes. Many WordPress themes and plugins allow users to add additional functionality using shortcodes. However, sometimes these shortcodes can become complicated when a user needs to enter parameters for customization.

For example, in a typical WordPress theme if there is a shortcode to enter a button, then the user will probably need to add atleast two to five parameters. Like this:

[themebutton url=”http://example.com” title=”Download Now” color=”purple” target=”newwindow”]

Shortcake is a WordPress plugin and a proposed future WordPress feature. It aims to solve this problem by providing a user interface to enter these values. This will make shortcodes a lot easier to use.

Shortcake Bakery Plugin

Getting Started

This tutorial is aimed for users who are new to WordPress development. Beginner level users who like to tweak their WordPress themes would also find this tutorial helpful.

Having said that, let’s get started.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Shortcake (Shortcode UI)plugin.

You will now need a shortcode that accepts a few parameters of user input. If you need a little refresher, here is how to add a shortcode in WordPress.

For the sake of this tutorial we will be using a simple shortcode that allows users to insert a button into their WordPress posts or pages. Here is the sample code for our shortcode, and you can use this by adding it to your theme’s functions file or in a site-specific plugin.

add_shortcode( 'cta-button', 'cta_button_shortcode' );
function cta_button_shortcode( $atts ) {
       extract( shortcode_atts(
                       'title' => 'Title',
                       'url' => ''
       return '' . $title . '';

You will also need to add some CSS to style your button. You can use this CSS in your theme’s stylesheet.

.cta-button {
padding: 10px;
font-size: 18px;
border: 1px solid #FFF;
border-radius: 7px;
color: #FFF;
background-color: #50A7EC;

This is how a user will use the shortcode in their posts and pages:

[cta-button title="Download Now" url="http://example.com"]

Now that we have a shortcode that accepts parameters, let’s create a UI for it.

Registering Your Shortcode User Interface with Shortcake

Shortcake API allows you to register your shortcode’s user interface. You will need to describe what attributes your shortcode accepts, input field types, and which post types will show the shortcode UI.

Here is a sample code snippet we will use to register our shortcode’s UI. We have tried to explain each step with inline comments. You can paste this in your theme’s functions file or in a site-specific plugin.

/** Your shortcode handle */
/** Your Shortcode label and icon */
/** Label for your shortcode user interface. This part is required. */
'label' => 'Add Button',
/** Icon or an image attachment for shortcode. Optional. src or dashicons-$icon.  */
'listItemImage' => 'dashicons-lightbulb',
/** Shortcode Attributes */
'attrs'          => array(
* Each attribute that accepts user input will have its own array defined like this
* Our shortcode accepts two parameters or attributes, title and URL
* Lets first define the UI for title field. 
/** This label will appear in user interface */
'label'        => 'Title',
/** This is the actual attr used in the code used for shortcode */
'attr'         => 'title',
/** Define input type. Supported types are text, checkbox, textarea, radio, select, email, url, number, and date. */
'type'         => 'text',
/** Add a helpful description for users
'description'  => 'Please enter the button text',
/** Now we will define UI for the URL field */
'label'        => 'URL',
'attr'         => 'url',
'type'         => 'text',
'description'  => 'Full URL',
/** You can select which post types will show shortcode UI */
'post_type'     => array( 'post', 'page' ), 

That’s all, you can now see the shortcode user interface in action by editing a post. Simply click on the Add Media button above a post editor. This will bring up the media uploader where you will notice a new item ‘Insert Post Element’ in the left hand column. Clicking on it will show you a button to insert your code.

Inserting your shortcode in a post or page

Clicking on the thumbnail containing the lightbulb icon and your shortcake label will show you the shortcode UI.

User interface for a simple shortcode

Adding Shortcode With Multiple Inputs

In the first example, we used a very basic shortcode. Now lets make it a little more complicated and a lot more useful. Let’s add a shortcode that allows users to choose a button color.

First we will add the shortcode. It is nearly the same shortcode, except that it now excepts user input for color.

add_shortcode( 'mybutton', 'my_button_shortcode' );
function my_button_shortcode( $atts ) {
       extract( shortcode_atts(
                       'color' => 'blue',
                       'title' => 'Title',
                       'url' => ''
       return '' . $title . '';

Since our shortcode will be showing buttons in different colors so we will need to update our CSS too. You can use this CSS in your theme’s stylesheet.

.mybutton {
    padding: 10px;
    font-size: 18px;
    border: 1px solid #FFF;
    border-radius: 7px;
    color: #FFF;
.blue-button  {
    background-color: #50A7EC;
.orange-button { 
.green-button { 

This is how the buttons will look like:

Call to action buttons created with shortcode

Now that our shortcode is ready, the next step is to register shortcode UI. We will be using essentially the same code, except that this time we have another parameter for color and we are offering users to select from blue, orange, or green buttons.

/** Your shortcode handle */
/** Your Shortcode label and icon */
/** Label for your shortcode user interface. This part is required. */
'label' => 'Add a colorful button',
/** Icon or an image attachment for shortcode. Optional. src or dashicons-$icon.  */
'listItemImage' => 'dashicons-flag',
/** Shortcode Attributes */
'attrs'          => array(
* Each attribute that accepts user input will have its own array defined like this
* Our shortcode accepts two parameters or attributes, title and URL
* Lets first define the UI for title field. 
/** This label will appear in user interface */
'label'        => 'Title',
/** This is the actual attr used in the code used for shortcode */
'attr'         => 'title',
/** Define input type. Supported types are text, checkbox, textarea, radio, select, email, url, number, and date. */
'type'         => 'text',
/** Add a helpful description for users */
'description'  => 'Please enter the button text',
/** Now we will define UI for the URL field */
'label'        => 'URL',
'attr'         => 'url',
'type'         => 'text',
'description'  => 'Full URL',
/** Finally we will define the UI for Color Selection */
'label'     => 'Color',
'attr'      => 'color',
/** We will use select field instead of text */
'type'      => 'select',
    'options' => array(
        'blue'      => 'Blue',
        'orange'    => 'Orange',
        'green'     => 'Green',
/** You can select which post types will show shortcode UI */
'post_type'     => array( 'post', 'page' ), 

That’s all, you can now edit a post or page and click on the Add Media button. You will notice your newly added shortcode under ‘Insert Post Elements’.

Selecting post element or shortcode to insert

Clicking on your newly created shortcode will bring up the shortcode UI, where you can simply enter the values.

Shortcode UI with a select field

You can download the code used in this tutorial as a plugin.


We have included the CSS, so you can use it to study or use it to add your own call to action buttons in WordPress using an easier user interface. Feel free to modify the source and play with it.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to add a user interface for shortcodes in WordPress with Shortcake.